Wednesday, 31 May 2017

My Go-To Makeup Look On My Friend!

Today I am being a bit of a narcissist and showing off my makeup skills (I use the word 'skills' loosely) that were put to the test when I did my friend and fellow YouTuber, Jemima's makeup.  Doing makeup on yourself can be challenging at the best of times and that especially applies on those days where your skin does not want to cooperate and your brows barely resemble cousins let alone sisters. However, doing makeup on someone else is the true test as it is a completely different canvas to work on especially as Jemima and I differ in skin, hair and eye colour. Nevertheless, this is also where the enjoyment comes into play as it is fun to see how products appear on different skin tones and how one person's eye colour may 'pop' more so than another's. 

We essentially decided to film each other doing our everyday makeup looks but on one another and you can watch both of our faces transform from our own to each other's, live before your eyes! Always the critic, I was expecting to hate my own creation but twinned with Jemima's good looks and the makeup Gods being on my side, I am actually quite pleased with how it turned out.

So please go over to the video (linked above) and show it some love and be sure to check out Jemima's own vid (here) and the rest of her channel as I am sure you will all love it. If you want a full product list of this look also, check out the description box on the video.

Thanks for stopping by!
What products are essential for your everyday makeup look?

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